1470 Willliam D. Fitch Pkwy. College Station, TX 77845-- 979/845-1214 -- tx4hnaturalresources@tamu.edu -- http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/natural

4-H... More than cows, pigs, and chickens! Texas 4-H Natural Resources is the home of projects and programs such as shooting sports, sportfishing, WHEP, wildlife, and more outdoor and natural resources related activities and events!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Ammunition Shortage is Affecting 4-H Shooting Sports Projects

The serious shortage of ammunition across the state and country is affecting many, if not most, of our 4-H Shooting Sports projects in Texas.  The critical issue at the moment is the lack of .22 caliber ammunition.  Immediately following is the lack of shotgun ammunition.  These are two firearm types that make up the majority of our shooting within the 4-H program.  Federal Ammunition has been a long time supporter of the 4-H Shooting Sports program across the nation.  Their representative, Ryan Bronson, who coordinates directly with state 4-H programs, recently sent a letter to all state 4-H Shooting Sports coordinators with an update from Federal Ammunition on this issue.  I wanted to pass his words along to you.  Click here to read the letter.

Part of Ryan's letter describes Federal's direct sale program which allows 4-H projects the opportunity to order ammunition directly from them and have it shipped.  Any project wanting to participate in this must get on Federal's email distribution list by contacting them at sg.conservation@atk.com and ask to be included on the 4-H list.  Check this out for future ammunition needs.