1470 Willliam D. Fitch Pkwy. College Station, TX 77845-- 979/845-1214 -- tx4hnaturalresources@tamu.edu -- http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/natural
4-H... More than cows, pigs, and chickens! Texas 4-H Natural Resources is the home of projects and programs such as shooting sports, sportfishing, WHEP, wildlife, and more outdoor and natural resources related activities and events!
4-H... More than cows, pigs, and chickens! Texas 4-H Natural Resources is the home of projects and programs such as shooting sports, sportfishing, WHEP, wildlife, and more outdoor and natural resources related activities and events!
Friday, February 3, 2017
Fort Worth Stock Show Wildlife Contest
Forty two 4-H members from across the state participated in the 2017 Fort Worth Stock Show Wildlife Contest. This is the second year of the contest sponsored by the Fort Worth Stock Show providing our youth with another opportunity to study and learn more about their Wildlife Project. The contest is hosted by the Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT) located across the street from the Stock Show. The staff of BRIT open their building and grounds to the contest. Their grounds and the associated Fort Worth Botanical Gardens will provide many years of diverse wildlife habitat to use in this contest. All contestants and their coaches and parents, who worked with the youth to learn about wildlife and their habitats, should be congratulated on participating well and putting forth their best efforts that day. The real goal in events such as these is to get the youth to learn about the subject matter and enrich their basic knowledge base. Any information learned in a 4-H wildlife project will enhance an individual's understanding and appreciation of our natural world creating a life long steward of that resource. In that end, we are all successful and richer. To read more and view some good photos see the Fort Worth Star Telegram coverage.