1470 Willliam D. Fitch Pkwy. College Station, TX 77845-- 979/845-1214 -- tx4hnaturalresources@tamu.edu -- http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/natural

4-H... More than cows, pigs, and chickens! Texas 4-H Natural Resources is the home of projects and programs such as shooting sports, sportfishing, WHEP, wildlife, and more outdoor and natural resources related activities and events!

Monday, October 22, 2012

2012-2013 4-H Enrollement-Early deadline approaching!

The early enrollment deadline for this 4-H year is fast approaching.  Youth must be enrolled by October 31, 2012 to take advantage of the $20 participation fee.  Please spread the word reminding everyone to get enrolled before November 1 when the participation fee increases to $25!

Happy Monday!