1470 Willliam D. Fitch Pkwy. College Station, TX 77845-- 979/845-1214 -- tx4hnaturalresources@tamu.edu -- http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/natural

4-H... More than cows, pigs, and chickens! Texas 4-H Natural Resources is the home of projects and programs such as shooting sports, sportfishing, WHEP, wildlife, and more outdoor and natural resources related activities and events!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

1st Annual 4-H Archery Camp is a Success!


The 1st Annual Texas 4-H Archery Camp was held last weekend at the Texas 4-H Center on Lake Brownwood.  This first round of the camp was deemed a huge success with 35 youth and 9 adults participating.  The camp focused on improving shooting knowledge and skills in recurve and compound archery for youth participants.  For adult participants, the focus was on improving skills and knowledge in coaching archery, archery equipment, archery games, and improved shooting skills. 

The Texas 4-H Archery Camp is open to any 4-H member with beginning or intermediate experience in shooting archery and understanding of the basic archery safety and range rules.  The camp has limited space available for youth and adult participants.

Plans are currently underway for the 2nd Annual Texas 4-H Archery Camp to be held in 2014.  
Dates and registration information will be available later this year.

Mickey Estep and son, Blake.
Special thanks goes out to Mickey Estep, volunteer 4-H archery instructor from Ector County.  The camp would not have be possible without his coordination and the assistance of the staff of volunteers he recruited.  Thanks to all of you who volunteered and made the camp a success!