1470 Willliam D. Fitch Pkwy. College Station, TX 77845-- 979/845-1214 -- tx4hnaturalresources@tamu.edu -- http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/natural

4-H... More than cows, pigs, and chickens! Texas 4-H Natural Resources is the home of projects and programs such as shooting sports, sportfishing, WHEP, wildlife, and more outdoor and natural resources related activities and events!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Applications Available for Texas Brigades Summer Program

The Texas Brigades is a wildlife-focused leadership development program for high school youth (ages 13-17). There are five different camps throughout the summer: Bobwhite Brigade, Buckskin Brigade, Bass Brigade, Waterfowl Brigade, and Ranch Brigade. You will be introduced to habitat management, hone your communication skills, and develop a land ethic. Each camp is 4 ½ days long. More details can be found about the Brigades at http://www.texasbrigades.org.  
Applications for the 2013 Texas Brigades Summer Program are now available online.  Go to
http://www.texasbrigades.org/Applications/applications.html  and start your application today! 

If you have any questions, please contact  Helen Holdsworth, Executive Director of Texas Brigades, at 855/892-7447 (toll free).